Saturday 31 May 2014

The Mischievians by William Joyce

Today I would like to hand you over to my landlady who has recently read a super picture book that she really wanted to share with all our book loving friends. She was on a regular jaunt to Heffers and whilst wandering around the Children's department she stumbled across 'The Mischievians' by William Joyce. Over to you Kelly!

Sebastian Hamster

How could I resist faces like this on the front of a book? As someone who often has questions like 'Where is my other sock?' and 'Where is the homework my class were supposed to be handing in?' this book finally helps me understand what the problem has been all these years. The Mischievians! The Mishievians are an ancient race of global mischief makers who do all the things that embarrass us. Ah, so they are responsible for making my eyes water when conducting meetings with parents at school? They are the ones who cause me to be clumsy and stub my toes several times a day? I see!

This is a fantastic picture book that gives the reader all the answers to those key questions in life. Our two inquisitive children find themselves sucked into the laboratory of Dr. Zooper who claims he has a book that will answer all the questions the children have. What follows is a lively question and answer compilation that clearly focuses on questions children will have for example 'Are Mischievians responsible for belly button lint?' and 'Where do blisters come from?' Apparently that is the work of Mista Blista.

I love that the line of questioning follows a child's natural train of thought and it reminded me of several super children I teach. I also like the extra little touches in the book. As I was reading I thought I had spotted some typos with letters missing from the text but then, as you explore the pages more thoroughly, you notice the little Mischievians' hand at the side of the page with a stolen letter! The last page of the book also has a page for children to write their own Mischievian Top Secret Report. I think this would be a perfect book to lead children in creating their own Mischievians to explain every day phenomena like why do keys mysteriously disappear when you are on your way out?

For more sneak peeks at the book check out this video!

The Mischievians Picture Book Trailer from Moonbot Studios on Vimeo.

Have you read The Mischievians? Let us know in the comments below!

Kelly and Sebastian

Thursday 29 May 2014


Hello my name is Sebastian Hamster and I am chief librarian at the Hamster Library. My landlady (she calls herself my owner, pah!) is a primary school teacher who adores books and may occasionally contribute to this blog. If I let her. I guess she does read some good books and loves sharing them so I might let her occasionally. In fact just today she read 'The Mischievians' by William Joyce and absolutely loved it. She has been begging me to let her share it so I have relented, expect a review in a day or so. Anyway I have a few shelves to tidy and books to read so I shall see you soon!